Tüm Duyurular

TREESP2.1.IQVETIII/P-03/57 Improving Quality of Vocational Training in Machine T...
Proje Genel Bilgileri
Genel Amacı
To improve quality of vocational training in machine technologies in Osmaniye and neighbouring cities.

Özel Amacı
1. Establishing a Sectoral Centre for VET Competence Development
2. Improving Vocational Teachers’ Abilities Through In-Service Trainings
3. Improving Machinery/Equipment Capacity of Vocational Training in Osmaniye
4. Improving institutional capacities of relevant actors

Beklenen Sonuçlar
1. Sectoral Centre for VET Competence Development was established
2. Researches were carried out
2.1. Sectoral Researches
2.2. Vocational Training Researches
2.3. Cooperation and Investment Researches
3. Curricula were developed / Trainings were delivered
4. Institutional capacities of relevant actors were increased
5. Cooperation among relevant parties were developed
6. Best practices were transferred
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