Tüm Duyurular

TREESP2.1.IQSES/249 Designing the Future with Gifted (DFG)
Proje Genel Bilgileri
Genel Amacı
Overall objectives: To make contribution to improving the quality and content of the special education and training in Denizli.

Özel Amacı
Specific objectives: Through improving the capacities of Denizli Ülker Yörükoğlu BİLSEM (ÜY-BİLSEM) and its teachers, to support the training of gifted individuals who have the ability to think analytically, develop software, hardware, robotic technologies and design solutions which are the needs of Denizli's and Turkey’s industry. In doing so, to raise awareness about the education of gifted individuals and to bring a ‘Science Corridor’ that will contribute to the advanced science education of all individuals who are studying in Denizli.

Beklenen Sonuçlar
(1) BILSEM staff in the target group (10 teachers and 2 managers) received 96-hour training on “Mixed Reality Training of Trainers” in Turkey and 2-day training on “The Interactive Technologies for the Future Classroom for Gifted individuals’ in Belgium.
(2) BILSEM staff in the target group (10 teachers and 2 managers) and 3 DCI representatives consisting of project team and industrialists made a study visit on the education of gifted individuals and on mixed reality trainings in the Netherlands.
(3) ‘Mixed Reality Workshop Training Module’ prepared for BILSEMs.
(4) ’Science Corridor’ and ‘Mixed Reality Laboratory’ were established in ÜY-BİLSEM.
(5) A total of 150 people participated in awareness activities such as opening meeting of Science Corridor and Mixed Reality Laboratory and Project Closing Meeting.
(6) The pilot training was applied to 20 students using mixed reality technology and 5 projects were produced.
(7) A 1-day training and workshop on mixed reality education for 20 teachers (outside the target group) was organized. 2-hours of e-conferences were organized in which 100 BILSEM teachers attended in countrywide.

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