Tüm Duyurular

TREESP2.1.IQSES/086 Embrace the Blue
Proje Genel Bilgileri
Genel Amacı
The overall objective of this action is ‘To make a contribution to increasing the quality of special education services for effective inclusive education of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Turkey’ , which serve for and directly relevant to the specific objective of this call for proposals ‘to increase the quality of special education services for inclusive education.’

Özel Amacı
It is the same objective specialised for the disability group Autism Spectrum Disorders, a section of all the disability groups that the inclusive education targeted in the specific objective of the call for proposals. This will in the end will contribute to the achievement of the global objective of this call for proposals that is ‘to improve the quality of education and training.’. The specific objective of this action will be ‘ To support the 17 public schools in Çankaya / Ankara providing preschool level education to be able to offer higher quality special education services for inclusive education of children with ASD.’ , which will be a contribution for accomplishment of the overall objective of this action in the long run.

Beklenen Sonuçlar
1.Action implemented successfully 2.The knowledge and skills level of 30 preschool teachers and guidance teachers is increased.3.Preschool teachers (10) supported through Special Education Consultancy 4.Training materials (1 booklet and e-materials) were prepared.5. Physical conditions of one preschool was improved suitable for children with ASD. 6.Cooperation among stakeholders was initiated through a seminar and recommendation report.7. Awareness of school administrators(30) and families of children (200) is raised. 8.The quality was monitored and evaluated.

Ulaşılan Sonuç ve Çıktılar
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narslankurt@gmail.com Tel:3124363543 Faks:3124363543