Tüm Duyurular

TREESP2.3.TUYEP/P-03/52 Nitelikli ve Belgeli İşgücü
Proje Genel Bilgileri

Projenin Genel Amacı:
Nitelikli ve belgeli işgücünün geliştirilmesi, eğitim ve istihdam arasındaki ilişkinin güçlendirilmesi, örgün ve yaygın eğitimin geçerliliğinin sağlanması, Türkiye Yeterlilikler Çerçevesinin Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi ile uyumun sağlanmasına katkı yapılması amaçlanmıştır.
Projenin Özel Amaçları:
1- Akredite edilmiş 1 tane VOC-Test Merkezi kurulması
2- 2 tane Ulusal Yeterlilik(UY)'nin geliştirilmesi ve 2 tane UY'nin revize edilmesi
Genel Amacı
Developing qualified and certified labour force, strengthening the relationship between education and employment, ensuring the validity of formal and non-formal education, to contribute to Turkey Qualifications Framework to ensure compliance with the European Qualifications Framework.

Özel Amacı
1-Development and revision of national qualifications and national competences
2-Establishment of a VOC-Test Centre to promote a sustainable and reliable National Qualification System by establishing a quality assurance system in the metal sector.

Beklenen Sonuçlar
1.1 accredited VOC-Test Center was established.
2.4 National Qualifications(NQ) were revised.
3.The NQS guidebook and various publications were published and distributed.
4.6 people were employed to contribute to the decrease of unemployment.
5.A new ACB was added to the NQS system and pilot exams were made.
6.The number of qualified and certified labor force increased.
7.The infrastructure of the VOC-Test Center was created.
8.The awareness of NQS increased and the cooperation among the ACBs strengthened.

Ulaşılan Sonuç ve Çıktılar
Ana SayfaFoto AlbümHaberlerDuyurularEğitimlerEtkinliklerBelgelerİletişim
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