Tüm Duyurular

TREESP2.1.IQVETIII/P-03/26 Lot- Sektörel Mükemmeliyet Merkezlerinin Kurulması Y...
Proje Genel Bilgileri
Genel Amacı
To establish a flexible, transparent, innovative and quality based education system which supports social and economic development and prepares for employment in the textile sector; to bring up qualified personnel in the textile sector by bringing together the relevant sections of the private sector and educational institutions.

Özel Amacı
1-Equipping the teachers working in the field of textile technology in vocational secondary education institutions with updated information according to the needs and trends in the sector with the training centre to be established; 2- raising high quality students in the textile sector by the teachers who are competent in the field and compatible with the technological developments; 3- improving dialogue channels and network between the industrial companies and vocational educational institutions at both national and international levels, thereby providing the industry the human resources it is in need of. 4-Supporting innovative approaches to increase quality of VET, teacher training.

Beklenen Sonuçlar
This project focuses on vocational high school teachers who are the backbone of vocational education in the field of textile technology. A total of 553 teachers work in the field of textile technology and this project aims to provide 150 teachers with theoretical, practical, on-the-job trainings, and to increase their knowledge, skills and experience with these trainings and other project activities. In addition, textile sector representatives, textile technology teachers, NGOs operating in the field of vocational education and textiles will come together in workshops for the preparation of the training program and the development of materials, and will prepare the ground for the development of a harmonious education model between the school and the factory. It will be ensured that the representative companies of the sector will observe the best practices in the field of textile vocational education by study visits abroad. It is believed that this will increase their awareness and contribute more to the new efforts in this direction. The SCVCD to be established will become a training center in the field of textile technology, thereby contributing to the training of other teachers, apart from 150 teachers, with new trainings in the post-project period. Thus, an important step towards having higher quality teachers, higher quality vocational high school students and a more qualified workforce in the textile sector will be taken.

Ulaşılan Sonuç ve Çıktılar
Ana SayfaFoto AlbümHaberlerDuyurularEğitimlerBelgelerİletişim
Bu internet sayfası Avrupa Birliği'nin katkılarıyla hazırlanmıştır. Yayının içeriği Lot- Sektörel Mükemmeliyet Merkezlerinin Kurulması Yoluyla Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitimin Kalitesinin Artırılması Hibe Programı (IQVET-III) Improving The Quality of Vocational Education and Training in Textile Sector Projesi tarafından oluşturulmuş olup hiçbir şekilde Avrupa Birliği'nin görüşlerini yansıtmamaktadır.
tuba.huvaj@tekstilisveren.org.tr Tel:2123440777 Faks:2123440766