Tüm Duyurular

TREESP2.1.IQSES/146 To the Beyond of Handicaps with School-Family Cooperation
Proje Genel Bilgileri
TC. ÇANKIRI İlker Tuncay ilkokulu koordinatörlüğünde, İstiklal Yolu İlkokulu ve Karatekin İlkokulu ortaklığı ile yürütülen Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Avrupa Birliği'nce finanse edilen Bütünleştirici Eğitim için Özel Eğitim Hizmetlerinin Kalitesinin Artırılması Hibe Programı (EuropeAid/162216/ID/ACT/TR) çağrısı kapsamında sunmuş olduğumuz 146 referans numaralı “To the Beyond of Handicaps with School-Family Cooperation”(Okul Aile İşbirliği ile Engellerin Ötesine) isimli projemiz temelinde yaptığı faaliyetler ile okul-aile iş birliğini güçlendirerek ebeveyleri, öğretmenleri, akranları ve pozitif okul oratmı araacılığı ile özel gereksinimli öğrencilerin her ortamda eğitim koşullarınının iyileştirilmesini, zenginleştirilmesini ve desteklenmesini sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.
Genel Amacı
To improve the quality of education and training by establishing a mutual and strong relation within families with special children and school

Özel Amacı
To improve the quality of special education services by creating an educational environment for families with special children by supporting them with social activities, innovative materials that they can use at home and by creating a holistic and inclusive atmosphere in classrooms

Beklenen Sonuçlar
Output-1.1 Kick-Off meeting was held with our partners
Output-1.2 Purchases were made
Output-2 The project was promoted and EU visibility activities were made
Output-2.1 Project webpage and social media accounts were created
Output-3 3000 brochures were printed in order to raise awareness about importance of special education
Output-3.1 Formative assessment meetings of project team were made
Output-4 Study visit in Netherland
Output-5 Training to families of special education children
Output-6.1 and 7.2 Educational seminar “You Are Very Special” and “We are All”
Output-7 Innovative Educational Materials were designed and distributed to families
Output-8.1 Support education room was enriched
Output-9.1-9.2-.9.3 2,3,4 empathy meetings were held
Output-9.4 Photograph exhibition was held
Output-9.5 Theatre performance was made
Output-9.6 Interim and final reports were prepared
Output-10 Public service ad was prepared
Output-11 Final booklet was prepared
Output-11.1 Closing meeting was held

Ulaşılan Sonuç ve Çıktılar
Ana SayfaFoto AlbümHaberlerDuyurularEğitimlerBelgelerİletişim
Bu internet sayfası Avrupa Birliği'nin katkılarıyla hazırlanmıştır. Yayının içeriği To the Beyond of Handicaps with School-Family Cooperation Projesi tarafından oluşturulmuş olup hiçbir şekilde Avrupa Birliği'nin görüşlerini yansıtmamaktadır.
sansersapmaz@gmail.com Tel:3762131149 Faks:3762131149