Tüm Duyurular

Proje Genel Bilgileri
“Bu proje Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından finanse edilmektedir”
Genel Amacı
Overall Objective 1:lncreasing the capacity of the vocational high school educators which works with students with cerebral palsy.
Overall Objective 2:Preparation of online training materials for teachers and families to increase usage of technology in the education.
Overall Objective 3:lncreasing awareness of teachers, families, school managers and policy makers about special education and its needs.

Özel Amacı
S.O.1:Strengthening the effective communication of educators working with children with cerebral palsy
S.O.2:Supporting the classes of lnformation Technologies with assistive technological devices supporting the needs of students with cerebral palsy.
S.O.3:Providing trainings to improve the technical capacities of trainers educating students with cerebral palsy in the field of information technologies,
S.O.4:Examination of the vocational training given in the field of information technologies in Spain and Sweden, the application methods of trainers and technical visits in order to see the applications in place,
S.O.5:Family training about the importance and role of inclusive and special education.

Beklenen Sonuçlar
E.R1:lncrease the knowledge of educators about effective communication methods for students with cerebral palsy.
E.R2:Equipped the information technologies laboratory with assistive technological devices of 3 vocational high schools.
E.R3:Development of technical capacities of trainers in the field of information technologies.
E.R4:lncrease knowledge and awareness of family roles, importance in special and inclusive education.

Ulaşılan Sonuç ve Çıktılar
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